The team were slow to settle and were three points down at half time. However they came good in the second half with the entire team raising their performance in the second half.
It was a great experience for the team playing in the curtain raiser to a historic County Final. The minors now play Four Masters this weekend in the County Semi Final. Our Senior reserves bowed out of the Junior B championship on Saturday evening when they were defeated by Naomh Ultan in Convoy on a score of 1-10 to 0-10.
This game was evenly balanced and could have went either way. We wish Naomh Ultan well for the remainder of the championship. The seniors and reserves have a double header in the league away to Naomh Ultan on Saturday evening next.
Well done to U12player Donal McCormack who represented the club at the Go-game exhibition at half time on Sunday.
Gaelic training for girls starts in Woodland School, Monday 10th Oct. 6-7pm, gaelic & games for 8-11yrs. 7-8pm, gaelic & fitness for 12-14yrs. €2 per girl, €3 for family of 2 or more.Call 0860566893 or 0868163605 for more info.Ladies gaelic training starts in Woodland School, Wednesday 12th Oct, 7-8pm. Call 0860566893 for more info. U13 hurlers were narrowly defeated by Carndonagh in the league semi-final. Well done to all who played over the past few weeks.
The Liam Emery memorial hurling tournament will take place at Páirc na nGael on Sunday morning next This will be a blitz format with first game commencing at 11am. The club are holding a night at the races on Friday 4th November 2011 in Arena 7 at 9pm. Race forms are available on the website. Sell as many horses as you can and return them to Dan or Sharon on or before Friday 27th October 2011. We also invite you come and join in the craic on the night.
Everyone please remember the bag2club initiative over the next week. Collection date is Wednesday week, 12th Oct, all details are available on the website. If you haven’t got a bag, Call on 074 9151080 before 6pm or 0868341436 in the evening
Beidh an comórtas Scór ar siúl gan mhoill. An bhfuil suim agat páirt a ghlacadh? The Annual Scór Competition will take place soon and we would love to hear from anyone interested in taking part. Entrants must be under 16 and categories include solo/group singing,recitation,drama,instrumental group,quiz and Irish Dancing. Following on from last year’s competition we would like to have as many entries from our club as possible. If you would like to take part or help out with year’s Scór competition please contact our Oifigeach na Gaeilge Stephen Doherty or Scór Co-ordinator Maura Bn.Uí Bhaoill. Check our website for all club details. Annagry. Lotto results for week-ending the 2nd October No’s drawn were 8,17,19 & 23. Match 3 winner was Melissa Donaghy Monaghan.