The second annual Gartan Lake 5 Mile Road Race takes place on June 26th next at 3pm.
Arguably the most scenic race in Donegal, the event has now been made part of the Donegal Grand Prix series.
But that’s not to say that walkers and fun runners aren’t welcome to the event because they are!
Organiser Eunan McBride said he is looking forward to a great day.
“There will be serious athletes there and we are hoping they can achieve great times on the day.
“But the event is also about having fun and we are hoping as many fun runners and walkers come along as possible. Everyone is welcome and the more the merrier,” he said.
Las year’s event was in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation and money raised from this year’s race will go towards the upkeep of two local schools, Glenswilly NS and Glendowan NS.
Registration for the event takes place in Gartan from 12 noon onwards and there will be refrshments for all afterwards.
“All we need now is a sunny day and we will really have everything because the course itself is blessed with beautiful scenery along the lake,” added Eunan.
*Pictured above is Richard McNamara, McDonald’s Restaurant, Letterkenny, presenting Eunan McBride with sponsorship for the forthcoming Gartan lake 5 Mile Road Race, Fun Run and Walk. Also pictured are Bernie Lapsley, Glenswilly NS Parent’s Association and Patrick McMonagle, Parent’s Association Glendowan NS (Picture by Clive Wasson).