Brendan: Estate Agent and owner of the ‘The Quiet Moment’ Tearooms
DonegalDaily: Tell us about your first job and how much were you paid?
Brendan: I was an office clerk in ‘Kelly’s Mills’ – £29.00 per week
DonegalDaily: What was your first success in business?
Brendan: Opening my own Insurance & Auctioneer’s business in 1988.
DonegalDaily: Name the one local or international business person youlook up to?
Brendan: Michael O’Leary (I admire his confidence and self-belief)
DonegalDaily: What has been your biggest mistake in business?
Brendan: Didn’t prepare adequately for the ‘rainy days’!
DonegalDaily: What is the most valuable piece of advice you have everbeen given?
Brendan: John Devine once said to me – “It’s only dear the day you buy it” referring to (Property)
DonegalDaily: What advice would you give to someone starting out in business today?
Brendan:Be positive – you can learn a lot from recessionary times
DonegalDaily: What one item would you take with you to a desert islandand why?
Brendan: My mobile – It’s good to keep in touch
DonegalDaily: What item can you not do without?
Brendan: Car keys
DonegalDaily: What item would you prefer to do without?
Brendan: Credit cards!
DonegalDaily: What do you do in your spare time (if you have any)?
Brendan: Swimming at least four nights per week in the Mount errigal Leisure Centre
DonegalDaily: When will you retire?
Brendan: Hopefully never!
DonegalDaily: What’s your tip to surviving the recession? –
Brendan: Stay positive and try to take each day as it comes
DonegalDaily: What one thing would you do if you were Finance Minister to help business?
Brendan: Reduce PRSI & VAT across the board.
* Interview by Greg Harkin