The Letterkenny brownies will be selling choc chip cookies and Christmas crafts at the Letterkenny Christmas Craft Fair in the Clanree Hotel in Donegal on Sunday 2nd December 12noon – 5pm.
Members of Irish Girl Guides are set to develop business and entrepreneurial skills when their Cookie Programme kicks off this year!
Girls from age 5+ will sell packets of biscuits for €2.50 each, thus raising funds for their Units. This will involve teamwork and business skills and girls will have a say in how the funds for their Unit are spent.
The girls, aged 7-11 years old will achieve their cookie badge for demonstrating good customer service skills, processing sales and showing team-work skills.
This initiative fits in with the Irish Girl Guides aim of helping girls and young women develop important life-skills. Long term the Irish Girl Guides also want to change the imbalance of the number of women in decision-making positions across various business sectors nationwide.
All support is welcome and to find out more about the Letterkenny Brownies check out