A gravy boat load of C-list celebrities have been lined up to appear in Donegal chef Conrad Gallagher’s next TV series!
X Factor singer Wagner, panto queen Twink and even Crystal Swing mum Mary Murray-Burke are being served up by TV3 on the menu of Celebrity Head Chef.
Completing the main course are Apprentice contestant Geraldine O’Callaghan, Wicklow model Kohlin Harris and broadcasting nobody Michael Hayes.
Brazilian ‘singer’ Wagner and Twink are said to be getting on like an oven on fire on the set of the TV kitchen.
A TV3 insider revealed: “Conrad is whipping them into shape and it promises to be a fun series.
“They (the celebs) are there to cook and Conrad will make sure they do. If they can’t stand the heat, they’ll be thrown out of the kitchen.”
Meanwhile the Letterkenny chef has revealed the real reason why he removed paintings by Graham Knuttel from his Dublin restaurant.
It was because of comments made by Knuttel on Facebook about the Donegal man.
Said Conrad: “I used to be a big fan. What ruined it for me was a few weeks back when the IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn got jailed in New York. Graham wrote on Facebook that if he was the editor of a tabloid paper, he would get his staff to ring Conrad Gallagher and ask him what the IMF guy could expect for breakfast in Sing Sing (Correctional Facility)!!”
This was seen by Conrad an unwelcome reference to 2003, when he spent several weeks in a New York jail after being arrested in New York and eventually extradited to Dublin to stand trial for his alleged theft of paintings.
He was subsequently cleared of all charges.
“The next day I decided to take down all Graham’s paintings in La Stampa. Where are they now? I haven’t got a clue,” said Gallagher.